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Submitting applications to the RSH online

Applicants for studies at the Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf must submit their application documents online.

In addition, pre-selection is carried out for all majors and programs of study (except Church Music and Organ), for which all applicants must submit video recordings of their own performances or other work samples together with the remaining application documents. All documents, including video recordings and work samples, should be submitted using the Muvac application portal.

We have also provided you with a guide explaining the individual steps involved when using Muvac to submit your application.


The accesses to Muvac can be found here. The application for the summer semester 2024 is possible now.
In addition, please read carefully the information deposited in Muvac regarding the required documents for the individual courses/fields of study or instruments.




Choral Conducting
Orchestral Conducting
Church Music
Klang und Realität (The application via Muvac will be activated soon)
Artistic Music Production
Music Pedagogy

Excellence Programs

Schumann Junior

Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf Fischerstraße 110, 40476 Düsseldorf

Fon: +49.211.49 18 -0