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Starting with a DNA sequence and using targeted tampering, Konrad Simon’s audiovisual work manipulation explores the influence of humans on complex algorithms.
Die Metamorphosen des Seins
The video installation Metamorphosen des Seins (engl. Metamorphoses of Being) by Vladyslav Masko offers a unique look at the evolution of existence. The story explores three level…
Brighter Day
Brighter Day by Anna Hummen was created out of a desire for a new beginning, away from melancholy and into the maelstrom of fears of days gone by, which the songwriter and producer courage…
The music video Imperfections by Noah Bugalski is a visual and auditory collage responding to the never-ending and everyday struggle with one’s own perfectionism. With the help of digita…
Playing in the forest, the feeling of safety and security, basic trust…What was any of it good for when you end up in the adult world and are forced to redefine yourself? Who are you, actually, w…
I woke up angry this morning
We’d like to make you aware that starting the video will transmit data to Vimeo. Start video. Imagine that Sleeping Beauty awakens from her hundred-year sleep after the prince’s kiss an…
ADM (Annoying Dance Music)
The audiovisual composition ADM (Annoying Dance Music) by Jakob Walheim explores boundaries and their blurring in the interplay of musical and visual events in space. With the help of soun…
The Plural Of Voices
Building on the traditional relationship between radio and experimental sound art, students in the Acoustic Art seminar led by Phillip Schulze created an audio piece that examines the human voice a…
Distant Writing
What is long-distance writing? In his master’s thesis, Tim Abramczik undertakes an open search for the possibility of a Distant Writing, a writing from distance. Alongside general consid…
In Loutioreitaer, Lindenmayer systems derived from biology recursively replace the vowel letters of a Kittler-Goethe secondary quotation spoken by artificial voices. With each recursion or…
mapping moments
The “mapping moments” installation reflects the working processes within the unique audiovisual
Ask Not Why But Butt
The music video “Ask Not Why But Butt“ by Margareta v. Klenze, aka KLENZA, depicts a body liberating itself, experiencing what it feels like to let go of shame – to let it just fly …
from two roots
Shuoxin Tan’s algorithmic computer music composition is based on two mathematical numbers (roots) that represent two different equal temperament tuning systems: 21/12 from traditional tuning and …
Der dritte Der dritte Körper (The Third Body) Körper
In the turret of the St. Michael Church in Cologne, two small loudspeakers hang by thin cables from the 12-meter bell tower. Two artists, Li Song and Jia Liu of the algorithmic network mu…
Ingrid Kaufman
In her work “Ingrid Kaufman, op. 1 – Priamel: Allegorie der Träumenden” (“Ingrid Kaufman, op. 1 – Priamel: Allegory of the Dreamers), Maria Wildeis reinterprets one of her own short stor…
(Noise Time (Otoacoustic Visions))
On 9 March 1687 at 10pm, a mysterious and loud noise of unknown origin descended upon the city of Santa Fé de Bogotá, lasting 15 minutes and inducing a collective panic among the city’s inhabit…
Hector Berlioz: Symphonie fantastique
The University Orchestra of the Robert Schumann Hochschule delivered an orchestral production under the direction of Prof. Rüdiger Bohn in November 2021 as part of the
CD-Produktion with the RSH Vocal Ensemble
The summer semester of 2022 witnessed an extremely successful collaboration between students in the
In a free association of memory and emotion, Benjamín Herrera Lizana wrote a three-part text. In response, Amotken (Mexico) composed a piece of music, which was later interpreted into visual material…
Genuine Earcons
In the short film Genuine Earcons, Elisabeth Coudoux incorporates impressions from the IMM into her professional music-making practice with her ensemble
Sieve algebra study for groups of unknown size
At the crossroads of time and frequency, this piece departs from the sensitivity of composite formulas and follows the compass of Xenakis’ sieve algebras into a combinatory logic of sound.
TV in the Corner
In autumn 2022, Henry Lee’s debut album TV in the Corner was released by tétégé records. The album was produced by Berlin-based artist and producer Jakob Lebsanft; all songs were writ…
Anna Schütten searches for rhythms. Sometimes they are silent, sequences of images from everyday life; other times, they are rhythms that we simply can’t hear, hidden just below the surface of w…
Das Kochen
In everyday life, much is taken for granted, which viewed from a different perspective becomes an inscrutable object of study. The auditory ethnography “Das Kochen” (“Cooking”) achieves jus…
"Momente des Fremdseins", so schreibt Elisa Kühnl, sind "schwierig zu benennen, auszuhalten, geschweige denn auszuwerten." In ihrem Projekt [Zunge] bringt sie eine autoethnografische Fors…
Ton und Bild bei Klassischer Musik
When sound and image meet in a classical music context, there’s plenty of room for conflict: the microphones must under no circumstances be visible, the spotlights cannot be too noisy, and the po…
In 2021, IMM student Lukas Lindner composed the soundtrack to the experimental short film Violet, written and directed by Nadine Asfour. The film explores themes of art, identity, and sexu…
The Showdown
The residents of an old age home are preparing to set off on an exciting Western excursion. On the way to the bus, 80-year-old Roswitha runs afoul of a small, red-haired sadist who’s up to no goo…
In April 2021, Maximilian Sattler, a student in the Audio and Video bachelor’s program, won the prize for Best Sound Design at SoundTrack_Cologne’s European Talent Competition. His rei…
Stille Post 2022
In his Image Composition and Rhythm seminar, IMM instructor Christian Schäfer teaches students about music visualization in the form of notation systems beyond the classical one. In the hands-on p…
Modern Life And Ancient Catastrophy
On November 25th, 2021, students from the Klang und Realität master’s program were joined by American composer Kyle Gann in the recording studio of the Hochschule Düsseldorf, where the…
Symphonie Fantastique - Sinfonieorchester RSH
Once a year, the symphony orchestra of the Robert Schumann Hochschule is invited to perform at Wuppertal’s historic civic center and concert hall, the Historische Stadthalle. A large team of stud…
In Zeiten des Baden und des Nachhalls
In June 2022, IMM alumna Nathalie Brum presented her quadrophonic installation for an empty swimming pool, “In Zeiten des Badens und des Nachhalls” (“In times of bathing and reverberation”)…
Sibelius - Streichtrio in G-Moll
In March 2022, Niklas Werani, a bachelor’s student in the Audio and Video program, recorded the String Trio in G Minor by Jean Sibelius , played by the Trio Coriolis at the schwere reite…
Daniel Smutny - Sound Ecologies
In February 2022, Johannes Tosta, a master’s student in Artistic Music Production, recorded a live performance of “sound ecologies” by the Essen-based ensemble E-MEX in the atrium of…
Anton Webern – 5 Pieces for Orchestra, Op. 10
The upper-level Classical Music Recording module with Prof. Dagmar Birwe offers students the opportunity to apply acquired specialist knowledge in practice as part of music productions. In the winter …
Robert Schumann: Die Ammenuhr
In the 2021 summer semester, students in the Artistic Music Production master’s program and the upper-level Classical Music Recording module with Prof. Dagmar Birwe had the opportunity to produce th…
Düsseldorf Destillat
In her Visual Music project Düsseldorf Destillat by Clara Keilbach takes a close look at the city of Düsseldorf. What sounds, colors and forms make Düsseldorf special? And how are they related to e…
Übertragung (Transmission)
The kinetic sculpture Übertragung by Laura Jordan-Bertinelli was designed for dancers and live music. In February 2022 it was exhibited by Lena Valentina Hauth, Elodie Zermatten, Lea Marie Neumayer, …
The VR video A_PART by Jacques Wienicke is a portrait in the context of a large city’s space for living and attempts to juxtapose subjective perception with an apparently objective reality. The boun…
The jump ‘n’ run computer game Buriel by Quang Thai Nguyen deals with interactive music visualization in which the players themselves can visualize the music in the form of a game. Through rhythmi…
Chord Skeins
Chord Skeins by Luis Küffner was completed as a final project for the Visual Music major at the Institute for Music and Media of the Robert Schumann Hochschule in Düsseldorf. The work was sup…
Song of the Machines
Embedded in the architecture of the Wuppertal-Barmen opera house, the work Song of the Machines by the Cologne-based sound artist Nathalie Brum evokes a unique, expansive experience. The audience i…
Thoughts Before Leaving
The somber atmosphere and unusual use of chromatics and key changes seem to reflect dark episodes and phases of madness in Gesualdo’s life.
Reflexões No. 6
In his visualization of the work Reflexões No. 6 for cello and guitar by Jaime M. Zenamon, Jacques Wienicke plays with light and shadow. The project was created at the beginning of 2020 as part of th…
Scherzo Nr. 2 op. 31 by Fréderic Chopin
In December 2020, Hari Yim produced Scherzo No. 2, Op. 31, by Fréderic Chopin in Auro 9.1 format. The stereo mix of the production heard here was awarded the bronze award at the AES Student Recording…
Il passo all’insù
For the video work Il passo all’insù, Laura Jordan-Bertinelli visualized the piece Prelude at Chiesa di San Filippo Neri by Blake Hargreave. As part of the work, she used a large staircas…
In his video installation words, Philipp Kaminsky focuses on how depression is dealt with. He focuses on the connection of words, phrases, thoughts with his experience of his own personality…
“ ” – sound and light installation
In his “ ” installation Timo Hein explores the processing and transformation of emotional and physical processes and creates metaphorical connections among them.
The VR (virtual reality) installation Plureality by Peter Martin gives visitors to an exhibition the opportunity to write a short composition and to share the work with other people in a com…
Benedikt Öncü in three minutes
An internal conflict is turned into an external one using the sledgehammer technique.Some things can only be presented together.
innenwelten ausgesprochen [internal worlds spoken aloud]
In her poems Laura Greco describes her impressions related to the topics of interculturality, femininity and self-love. By combining various languages with finely sensitive metaphors and provocative m…
The experimental dance music video Catharsis by Lydia Ramos explores the swansong theme – the beautiful and yet melancholy dance shortly before death.
Petal (Blütenblatt)
In this video, the song of the same name by Valentin Ruckebier, a student in Prof. Oliver Schneller’s composition class, is given a new dimension of interpretation through Yannick Benavides’s a…
Liquid Lightning - You want it all (snippet)
Gerrit Kress, student at IMM, has produced, recorded and mixed three songs of the electro rock band Liquid Lightnin from Düsseldorf for his Audio 2 exam.
Never Forget What You Pretend To Be
What am I? Who are you? Are you who you pretend to be or is that defined by others? Can you influence how you are perceived and are you what you are perceived as being? Or are you really who you think…
Monotonie ist schön [Monotonie is beautiful]
Inspired by Charlotte Posenenske’s modular works, IMM students presented a Concert Situation for 10 Voices as part of the Work in Progress exhibition at the K20 venue.
ourea tabuchía
where does the music go, when we give it a simple set of rules? The music video for the track “ourea tabuchía” was produced by Yannick Benavides, Felix Hecker and Paul Müller Reyes,w…
The composition Cirque by Jannis Carbotta combines field recordings, sound recordings, and sounds of electromagnetic fields with the sounds of modular synthesizers and acoustic instruments.
Wind der Heimat
Winds of Home is a full-length documentary by Ayunga Khiyad, who was born in the Mongolian part of China and during the course of the film travels to what he regards as his homeland, Mongolia, …
Painkiller (Schmerztöter)
The audiovisual implementation of the music video for Painkiller by the Düsseldorf band Fil der Protagonist was produced by Yannick Benavides in 2020.
Calculated Controversies
Do those who make music have to take an explicitly political stance? Are they responsible for how the audience perceives their messages? Is it their fault if parts of their audience do not recognize i…
The audiovisual project Face by Suhyun Park and Yuni Hwang, a student of the Art Academy Düsseldorf, use artistic means to critically question the concept of race.
The small town of Chiatura is located in a valley in the middle of Georgia. Here manganese ore mining is the primary industry and the town’s most striking feature is a network of dangling cable cars…
Poem for 7 Arms
Based on its more modern musical form and notation, this piece attempts to keep the agogic shifting of the lighting and set design as minimalistic as possible in order to create a feeling of experimen…
Kazbekistan (radio play)
Kazbekistan – Eine Reise durch die Plattenbausteppe (Kazbekistan – A Journey Through the Plattenbau Steppe, or flatlands of prefab tower blocks) is a blend of travel journal and fiction, pa…
Kazbekistan – Die leuchtende Steppe (Kazbekistan – The Radiant Steppe) is a video work based on a journey to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.
Dans les bois
Tim Schmiedner wrote a re-score for the film Dans les bois, shot by six students from the Ecole des Nouvelles Images and an entry in the 2020 European Talent Award competition.
Ravel - Boléro
The ban on social contact in response to the coronavirus outbreak has resulted in unusual music projects. This is how this recording of Ravel’s Boléro was made, played by the Essen Philharmo…
Film Fantasies
Leon Brückner, who is studying Music and Media with a Media Composition concentration, took advantage of winning the main prize at the European Talent Award, a day recording with the WDR Funkhaus Orc…
a synchronous musician
The installation a synchronous musician describes the simultaneously asynchronous and synchronous relationship between a metronome and a person playing snare drum. Alexander Borowski explores t…
Toter Winkel
The Virtual Reality soundwalk Blind Spot plays with spatial and acoustic paradoxes that reveal our – often deceptive – perception.
Mein Körper macht das mit mir
The “tic concert” My Body Does That to Me by Yale Sevis is concerned with the question of controlling the individual through the body and mind.
Stadtrausch (Urban Sounds)
Stadtrausch is the name of Daniel Rheinbay’s final project in the Media Composition major concentration. Supported by students Paul Schön (overall artistic direction, set design, media de…
To Probe Is to Interact
The light and sound installation To Probe Is to Interact by Matthias Erdmann explores the wave-particle dualism in quantum mechanics.
The piece Pausing for two flutes, electronic tape and video by Leonie Strecker explores the question how continuous consciousness can be rendered experienceable in a musical and abstract manner.
Neues Düsseldorfer Modell
(NDM) by Vincent Stange was a bachelor’s degree exam project for the Visual Music. The work examines individual decision-making spaces, the influence of community and interaction with the aud…
Aimez vous Godard?
The scores for the European Talent Competition at Soundtrack_Cologne show how different music or sound changes the effect of film images. In 2019 it was the task of entrants to create the narration an…
Japan Day 2019 – The Fireworks
For the 2019 fireworks, students majoring in Media Composition composed and produced fireworks music to round off the TV experience.
Stille Post 2019
As part of the course “Image Composition and Rhythm” by Institute of Music and Media lecturer Christian Schäfer, music visualization is treated using forms of musical notation lying outside ou…
The phenomenon of the equinox, which takes place twice a year was illustrated by Joan Miro in his 1966 painting Equinox, which in turn inspired Toru Takemitsu to write his piece with the same name for…
Oberons Lamentation
In this music video, the song of the same name by Valentin Ruckebier, a student in Prof. Oliver Schneller’s composition class, is given a new interpretational dimension through Yannick Benavides’s…
Within the framework of her bachelor’s thesis, IMM student Magdalena Treutwein developed poems, written in executable code (in the Brainfuck programming language).
Stille Post 2019 - Trailer
The trailer by IMM student Laura Greco, which was created as part of the “Stille Post” Exhibition in 2019, provides insight into this unusual study assignment.
Franz Liszt - Klavierkonzert Nr. 1
As part of the Young Artists Bayreuth Festival, IMM students produced a CD with the Ukrainian Youth Orchestra under the direction of conductor Oksana Lyniv. Lyniv founded the élite national orchestra…
Inside the Surface
He set off with an ice hockey stick, a cassette recorder and two microphones. Then things were rubbed, scratched, pound on and ? recorded. A fictional radio play by Joseph Baader.
Miel Bleu
For their sound design for the film Miel Bleu the students Celia Ruiz Artacho (Sound Design) and Ben Winkler (Film Music) were awarded the two main prizes at the 2018 European Talent Award.
Heimatfunde 2 (Homeland Findings 2)
Heimatfunde 2 is a radio play in progress that explores the Essen-Burgaltendorf archeological site: Artifacts that are unearthed include mining documents about the imminent collapse of people…
The video installation Doxá by Laura Rizzo is concerned with the topic of musical shadows. As a rule, visual, i.e., visible shadows require a real object standing in a space.
Stille Post 2018
As part of the course “Image Composition and Rhythm” by Institute of Music and Media lecturer Christian Schäfer, music visualization is treated using forms of musical notation lying outside our t…
Dressed in music
Dressed in Music is a project completed by Sebastian Heidelberg and Lambert Windges for their Media Composition major. In the project they created two compositions to accompany the catwalk for …
Tractatus Zweiter Ordnung (Second-Order Treatise)
Tractatus Zweiter Ordnung (Second-Order Treatise) by Sebastian Heidelberg is an audio collage of speeches and lectures by the Austrian scholar and philosopher Heinz von Foerster.
With the aid of motion capture technology, the interactive installation “Spielraum” by Sebastian Fecke Diaz makes it possible to investigate (im)moral texts and deconstruct them using granular syn…
Eins & Viel
Suhyun Park describes her interactive installation Eins & Viel [One & Much] as a “granular playground consisting of rice, staples, instruction cards, and algorithm.”
hörst du mich? [do you hear me?]
In the interactive installation hörst du mich? by Laurenz Ulrich either collages of video and sound recordings merge into opaque chaos or visitors are offered new perspectives by means of extending a…
I was the waves, but then I looked at her.
The sound and light installation by Lambert Windges takes the emergence, presence and disappearance of varying circumstances in a polyrhythmic structure as its theme. 
Sergej Rachmaninov - Sonate Nr. 2 B-flat minor
In October 2018 a workshop on the topic of piano production was conducted within the framework of the master’s program Artistic Music Production (Major: Classical Acoustic Music Production) in the T…
Thomás Luis de Victoria - Officium Defunctorum
In August 2017, under the baton of Florian Helgath, the ChorWerk Ruhr presented the Officium Defunctorum by Thomás Luis de Victoria at the Zeche Zollern in Dortmund.
a bunch of nonsense and dennis – Studie 1
A very busy railway station. In the middle of a somewhat unusual conversation, in which several people are involved. Among them is Dennis.
[hyenas, blackmailed shiners, and the usual boozing – Study 2]
Distant lights. Repressed feelings. Between delirium and bitter reality, a man tries to get his life into balance.
pâro – Studie 3
The feeling that no matter what you do is always somehow wrong—as if there’s some obvious way forward that everybody else can see but you
Algorithmische Literatur – 11:11 Minuten über Algolit
In June of 2018 IMM student Tim Abramczik visited the Algolit collective in Brussels. The result was a feature 11:11 minutes in length about this working group. 
Silence and Noise
The audio piece Silence and Noise by Jannis Hannover focuses on the tonality of various social milieus. 
Von drinnen und draußen
In the audio feature Von drinnen und draußen Jannis Carbotta uses language and sound recordings to document the significance a club for electronic dance music can have for those involved.
Maurice Duruflé - Messe Cum Jubilo
In February 2017 the students Lukas Hierl and Daniel Przemus recorded the girls choir of the Essen Cathedral under the direction of Prof. Raimund Wippermann. 
Unsuk Chin - Cantatrix Sopranica
As part of the EIGHT BRIDGES | Musik für Köln two recordings of significant works by this year's Composer in Residence, Unsuk Chin, were made on May 1 and 2, 2017. 
Was ist automatisch und was ist an uns automatisch? Steuern wir und werden wir gesteuert? Wann greifen wir aktiv ein oder warten wir ab? Testpublikum ist eine Performance Juliane…
What is automatic and what do we do automatically? Testpublikum is a performance in a two-room installation by Music and Media major Juliane Blum.
Laute Post
In Yannick Benavides’ thematically modular Laute Post performance, Mascha Corman and Thea Soti discuss the dramaturgical content of erotic films and how this subject matter is treated.
In his #instantfiltercoffee live performance, Joseph Baader records and loops the noises of preparing instant coffee. A snapshot of the finished cup of coffee is posted directly on Instagram.
Transformation in Sync
The installation Transformation in Sync by Vincent Stange involves the connection and separateness of rooms. The auditory and visual levels are important in this installation. 
Moiré Patterns
The Moiré Patterns installation by Jannis Carbotta involves the moiré effect. In the installation the effect is reconstructed analogously and made perceivable in the form of light and sound.
The Raumbewegungen project by Jannis Hannover is concerned with the sonification of environmental data. The result is an audio-visual interaction between electronic, abstract sounds and video.
they don't need repair
The audiovisual installation they don’t need repair by Valentin Dudeck establishes a link between object and sound.
In the VR production Relativity by Leon Eckard the public can hear hip-hop beats against shifting polyrhythms. This also shifts the sense of the downbeat as well as the type of meter. 
Participants in the Focus installation by Christoph Beck attempt to focus their attention on a mantra in front of them.
Rebecca Himmerich in drei Minuten
The self-portrait of Rebecca Himmerich contains a series of scenes which do not follow a plot actions in sequence, No story is told.
In his audio-visual composition Geoforms, Thomas Gärtner links acoustic and visual characteristics of squares, circles and triangles. 
Etüdion is an interactive media installation by Jonas Scheler, which was prepared in 2017 as his final exam piece in the Visual Music major concentration.
Nadelarbeit III
The visual music film Nadelarbeit III [Needlework] by IMM student Magdalena Treutwein was prepared as an exam piece in the Visual Music major concentration.
berührt - geführt
The interactive installation berührt - geführt seeks to make it possible to experience the invisible spirals of everyday life and its habitual routines.
music@studio1 2017
Students majoring in Music and Audiovisual Media again produced the music broadcast music@studio1. 
William und DI6
The film music for the stop-motion animated film William and D-I6 was created as a project in the Media Composition major.
Lieblingsplatte Festival
“Important live albums in the history of German pop music”: That was the theme of the first installment of the Lieblingsplatte Festival at Düsseldorf’s Kulturzentrum Zakk in December 2016.
Secret Hitler
Secret Hitler ist der Titel des Abschlussprojektes im Vertiefungsmodul Musikinformatik von IMM-Student Sebastian Heidelberg, betreut durch Julian Rohrhuber und Markus Schmickler.
Anton Bruckner: Symphony No. 9 in D minor
Anton Bruckner’s 9th Symphony was performed under the baton of Prof. Rüdiger Bohn and coordinated by the three sound technicians.
Data transmission via audio signals
The student Michael Kemkes is studying data transmission via audio signals as part of his thesis in the advanced-level Music Infor…
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy: Piano Trio No. 1 in D minor, Op. 49
Felix Mendelssohn’s Piano Trio No. 1 in D minor was performed at the Partikasaal auditorium as part of a chamber music production.
This is why I don't like lyrics in music
The music and media major Verena Hentschel incorporated her own ideas in creating the experimental music video This is why I don't like lyrics in music.
Markus Lehnert on the Johann Patroclus Möller organ
For IMM student Armin Badde, who was the sound engineer for the project, the project was his final exam in the advanced-level Classical Music Production module.
Eric Ewazen "Ballade, Pastorale and Dance"
As part of the upper-level Classical Music Recording module of Prof. Dagmar Birwe collaboration with selected chamber music ensembles of the Robert Schumann Hochschule will  
The Merchant
Raffael Seyfried’s film score for the 25-minute film The Merchant is a project in the Media Composition major. Written and staged by Music and Media major Franz Wüstenberg, the film tells of…
Brain Sensing Music
The audiovisual performance for string bass solo, Brain Sensing Music, by Valentin Link visualizes the brain activity of the player during a freely improvised music performance.
VeeMee is an interactive mirror by Magdalena Sojka, which translates the utterances of the audience into sounds and images and projects these back. 
Die Fledermaus [The Bat]
As in every year, in 2016 a major opera production took place at Düsseldorf’s Robert Schumann Hochschule in collaboration with the Deutsche Oper am Rhein. 
This is why I don’t like lyrics in music
In the electronic music piece This is why I don’t like lyrics in music, Music and Media student Verena Hentschel explores her aversion for lyrics in music pieces both mu…
Ouverture to the Flying Dutchman
In his composition Overture to the Flying Dutchman as sight-read by a bad spa orchestra at 7 in the morning by the fountain Paul Hindemith created a musical parody of Wagner’s grand…
Fries Nuss Quartet – Tracy
Within the framework of the project module in the Music Productionmajor concentration, Music and Media bachelor student Simon Busch realized recordings with the Fries N…
Cabaret Crusades
The music for the sensational marionette film Cabaret Crusades – The Secrets of Karbalaa by the Egyptian artist Wael Shawky was developed by the students Raffael Seyfried (Music and Media) an…
David Füsgen went in search of ways to transfer music into the language of the camera in his work WUT, FREUDE, TRAUER [RAGE, JOY, MOURNING].
The Quad² project by Lucas Grey is an interactive and audiovisual space installation in surround sound.
Kammermusik [chamber music]
The visual music film Kammermusik is an audiovisual portrait of a building by Visual Music artist Katharina Blanken.
Grandbrothers "Naive Rider"
How can artistically shaped worlds of images and the live performance of a band be combined into a music video?
Faces is an audiovisual room installation based on an Android app for smartphones and tablet PCs by IMM-Student Aaron Jablonski.
The installation and composition WRESTLING! by Milan Schell is an audiovisual music and fight simulation staged in space. 
Eigendynamik [Momentum]
The sound sculpture Eigendynamik by Lukas Reichert portrays a dynamic system created by simulated feedback. 
Doppelpendelmusik [Double Pendulum Music]
Doppelpendelmusik, an audiovisual installation by Johannes Leppkes, deals with seeing and hearing movement in space. 
The study Shifting by Julian Priessen is comprised of experimental video clips, the content of which is made up of three parts: video material, image structure and audio material.
We Float Around
Patrick Arnold  made the track We Float Around (And Hang Out On Clouds) by Egokind visible in his Visual Music clip. 
2052. A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years is a description of the tendency of global development by Jørgen Randers.
STAHL GLAS STROM [Steel Glas Power]
In the studio and exhibition space Künstlerhaus Dortmund, Florian Zeeh presented his installation 
The interactive and audiovisual installation av@ar puts the focus of the experience on the relationship between the individual person and their medial reflection.
Souvenir Automat
Souvenir Automat is a Visual Music study by Milan Schell. It concerns the attempt to visually support the musical development of tension in the student's own composition.&…
As part of his final examination project Roland Nebe projected high resolution visuals for the live concert of the Cologne hardcore/punk/electro/jazz band Monophonist. 
Projection mapping onto moving objects
The next stage of projection mapping was researched by Dipl.-Ing. Gerrit Kress in his final year project Projection Mapping onto moving objects.
No mon, no fun?
The street is not just a transportation route but also a collective archive. A wide range of textual forms mutually interact on the street: things which are illegible or can barely be read, scrawled t…
Film portrait of artist Yana Novotorova
In this portrait, the dancer Yana Novotorova talks about the role dance plays in her life and the philosophy of co…
Nichtung auf allen Kanälen [Nihilation on All Channels]
The point of departure in the work of Florian Zeeh is the work series Die Entdeckung der Null [The Discovery of Zero], where he explores the potentials of nothing and possible applica…
Trailer: Übersetzen - Translate - Tradurre
Each summer, 50 students from the state art and music conservatories in North Rhine-Westphalia travel to the lovely Tuscan town of Montepulciano.
A visit to the studio of The Orsons
For the hip-hop magazine ALL GOOD, Simon Langemann visited the fo…
The music video by Matthias Kulow combines photo manipulation with animation. The impression of a 3D space is created with the help of a virtual camera and by detaching indi…
The Efficiency Rumor
On 10 April, Mounir Mahmalat, a graduate of the Music and Mediabachelor program, published a comparative study of the efficiency of German and American opera houses in the 
Welcome to Germany
In October 2013 three concerts were given at the Tonhalle Düsseldorf titled Entartete Musik: Willkommen in Deutschland - Ein Gedenkkonzert[Degenerate Music: Welcome to Germany – A Memor…
Cooperation with Festival Junger Künstler Bayreuth [Bayreuth Young Artists Festival]
The aim of the Bayreuth Young Artists Festival is to bring young musicians together from many parts of the world and offer them…
Projection Mapper
Projection mapping is a technology used for manually turning objects, often irregularly shaped, into a display surface for video projection. 
This video documents the installation Neon by Patrick Arnold, exhibited in February 2014. The project focuses on four fluorescent tubes which are the driving force as well as the fram…
Salomea Project "Do It All"
Audio and Video major Johannes von Barsewisch carried out a production with the band, Salomea Project as his final examination in the upper-level Music Production module.&…
Erich Wolfgang Korngold "Sea Hawk"
IMM students were responsible for the live recording of rehearsals and concerts for the program Willkommen in Deutschland - Entartete Musik[Welcome to Germany – Degenerate Art] featuring…
Hyper-polyphonic algorithmic spatialisation
The Mallet Ensemble from Wuppertal is performing arrangements and compositions by Mathias Haus, jazz vibraphonist and musical director of the group.
Yabanci [Stranger] by Simeon Herrmann and Michael Colella is a film about the fear of strangers that was awarded the Catholic Youth Media Award 2014.
limbic is a Visual Music clip which reflects the emotional processing of music in the limbic system and the resulting reactions of the body (the so-called "chills"). It has been …
Business plan: Short film marketing
The IMM students Julian Martinz, Sebastian Heuckmann and Stefan Haupt (all studying Music and Media) have created a business plan for a company as part of the major Music and Media…
Santiago Alvarez
Santiago Alvarez is a cinematic portrait of the Colombian artist of the same name. The movie was films by the Peruvian director Martin Hawie. 
The dignified Elektronische Studio [Electronic studio] of the broadcaster WDR is in a deep sleep in a cellar in a Cologne suburb, once much cared for by the former studio technician Volker Müller.
Hochstapler [Impostor] is a sound recording of the short story Impostorby Philip K. Dick. For his own audio play editing, Music and Mediastudent Thomas Stanger has …
Cassado Trio
As part of coursework in the Music and Audiovisual Media upper-level module, in May of 2015 students completed a multi-camera production in Studio 1 at the IMM. 
Rhythmic theory | Fragmented voice | Conceptional dance music
The Bachelor thesis of Lukas Truniger (Music and Media program) revolves around three topics: voice, theory and electronic…
Apollo is an animated film by Felix Gönnert, which tells the story of a young imaginative boy, who escapes the uniform big city world with the help of a toy rocket and suddenly becomes pa…
things you wanna
For his Audio 2 exam, Stefan Wolf, student at the Audio and Video Engineering program, recorded, mixed and produced two songs he had composed himself. 
Inspired by the concepts of the New York School, students Simon Stirnberg and Florian Zeeh are undertaking the construction of a 2 x 2 x 0.4 m large light mobile – a Libiles.
Inspired by the laws of gestalt psychology and the phenomenon of optical illusion, Stefan Wolf developed the visual music clip LC-0. 
Inspired by the Occupy movement, this audiovisual, interactive installation was created by Michael Eßer, partly using stereoscopics.
Quantum stages Beethoven’s final Sonata No. 32 in C minor in an audiovisual concert for piano and projector. The sonata was played by Frank Märkel.
Hurdy Gurdy
Hurdy Gurdy is a Visual Music installation. It consists of a room in which three record players that have been converted into projectors and sound generators each standing on their own ped…
telephone helicopter applause gunshot
Pixel monsters are very musical. In the city of Kraftwerk and Neu!, they dance to their own sound.
Synse - THAG
IMM student Christian Sander is releasing a new version of his visual music app Synse. It is called Synse THAG.
toktek Illa
An empty factory building and an artist in Eindhoven, NL. The clip is an extract from a 40-minute performance, produced in january 2011.
Ein neuronales Netz ist mehr als die Summe seiner Teile. Der Visual Music Clip von Michael Eßer im ASCII art Stil entstand als Fachprüfung Bild 1.
Vier Türme
Vier Türme&n…
MadVeH7 is a visual music project by Tom Vermaaten. Music from the forecourt of hell - noise from our non-natural environment in complicated 7/4 time. 
Paketzentrum 47
The multi-channel sound sculpture with projection mapping Paketzentrum 47 was inspired by investigations into the origin, manufacture and material composition of a laptop. 
Hemisphere is a visual music project by Stephan Telaar. The clip addresses the conflict between emotionality and rationality. 
Compilation of small experiments made in Eric Bernaud's "25 pictures every second!" workshop. 
Claude Debussy - La Mer
EN - Im November 2015 spielte das Symphonieorchester der Robert Schumann Hochschule unter der Leitung von Prof. Rüdiger Bohn La Mer von Claude Debussy.

Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf Fischerstraße 110, 40476 Düsseldorf
Fon: +49.211.49 18 -0