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Yannick Benavides in three minutes

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A young man who does not seem to understand the world permits a glimpse of his thought world in a striking manner.

He struggles with himself, realizes that violence is not the solution, which is revealed to him in his hyper-realistic external environment in which violence, neediness, catastrophes, cognitive dissonance and injustice trouble him.

He is reluctant to project negative influence onto his environment and flees on his skateboard, until he finds himself again and understands that his missing presence and non-participation has revealed itself as contributing not only to his own unhappiness but to that of everybody, and that he must live with what he has and as what he has become.

The self-portrait was made in the 2016/17 winter semester in the Music and Audiovisual Media major and was supervised by <link institute institut-fuer-musik-und-medien personen waffender-manfred>Manfred Waffender.


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