Benno Müller vom Hofe
Assistant Professor for Radio Plays benno.mueller(at)rsh-duesseldorf.de Benno Müller vom Hofe, born 1968, started to play the drums at the age of 12. During his teenage years, he won the North-Rhine-Westphalia-competition of Jugend jazzt (youth jazz contest) several times. After graduation and civil service, Mr. Müller vom Hofe majored in drums at The Drummers Collective in New York City for a semester. In 1990, he started studying Audio- and Video Engineering at the University of Music Duesseldorf. During the time at university, he was playing the drums for various tour and studio sessions, e.g. with Tom Mega, The Blues Brothers Revival Band and Stephan Raab. In 1996, he signed up with Voss TV Ateliers in Duesseldorf. One year later, he wrote his final thesis with Prof. Dr. Braun on Audio-Post-Production in television. Benno Müller vom Hofe worked as a freelance musician and sound engineer for several pop and musical theatre acts: Tabaluga und Lilli, Sarah Connor, Nickelodeon, RTL, EMI Electrola, 3Klang, and WDR Radio, Cologne. Since 2004, Mr. Müller vom Hofe is the programme engineer for radio plays and music production at WDR Broadcasting, Cologne. He continues to freelance as a musician and producer. The Institute For Music And Media of the University of Music Duesseldorf enjoys his teaching abilities in his Radio Play courses since 2006.
Assistant Professor for Radio Plays benno.mueller(at)rsh-duesseldorf.de Benno Müller vom Hofe, born 1968, started to play the drums at the age of 12. During his teenage years, he won the North-Rhine-Westphalia-competition of Jugend jazzt (youth jazz contest) several times. After graduation and civil service, Mr. Müller vom Hofe majored in drums at The Drummers Collective in New York City for a semester. In 1990, he started studying Audio- and Video Engineering at the University of Music Duesseldorf. During the time at university, he was playing the drums for various tour and studio sessions, e.g. with Tom Mega, The Blues Brothers Revival Band and Stephan Raab. In 1996, he signed up with Voss TV Ateliers in Duesseldorf. One year later, he wrote his final thesis with Prof. Dr. Braun on Audio-Post-Production in television. Benno Müller vom Hofe worked as a freelance musician and sound engineer for several pop and musical theatre acts: Tabaluga und Lilli, Sarah Connor, Nickelodeon, RTL, EMI Electrola, 3Klang, and WDR Radio, Cologne. Since 2004, Mr. Müller vom Hofe is the programme engineer for radio plays and music production at WDR Broadcasting, Cologne. He continues to freelance as a musician and producer. The Institute For Music And Media of the University of Music Duesseldorf enjoys his teaching abilities in his Radio Play courses since 2006.
Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf Fischerstraße 110, 40476 Düsseldorf
Fon: +49.211.49 18 -0 www.rsh-duesseldorf.de
Fon: +49.211.49 18 -0 www.rsh-duesseldorf.de