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Prof. Julian Rohrhuber
Professor for Music Informatics and Media Theory
julian.rohrhuber(at) Julian Rohrhuber, born 1973, studied visual communication at the University of Fine Arts of Hamburg (HfbK) in the areas of philosophy, media theory and aesthetics, as well as digital systems, visual anthropology, fine arts and documentary film. His installations, performances and video projects deal particularly with art as a form of theory.
On behalf of the HfbK in 2004 in collaboration with Renate Wieser he designed the laboratory for acoustics and time image and organised events such as Mathematics for artists and changing grammars.  From 2004 to 2008 Julian Rohrhuber researched into Agency and algorithmic acoustics as part of the DFG research group Media and cultural communication (SFB 427) at the University of Cologne and the Academy of Media Arts. He gave seminars on philosophy and computer science at the Music Research Institute of the University of Cologne and in the Art and Media Research Institute of the Academy of Media Arts. In 2007 and 2008 he taught music informatics at the University of Music of Karlsruhe. Since 2009 he has been an Associate member of the media science group Locating Media / Situierte Medienat the University of Siegen.  Since 2004 he has given lectures and published texts on the philosophy of science, media theory, algorithmic acoustics and art at international institutions (such as the Budapest exhibition centre, IRCAM Paris, at the Berlin Humboldt University and Berlin University of Art, University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz, University of Science and Technology Zürich and the University of Art and Design Zürich, University of Cambridge and as part of conferences such as the International Computer Music Conference and the European Society for the History of Science).   Julian Rohrhuber is a co-developer of the open source computer language SuperCollider. Since 2000 he has programmed algorithms for sound synthesis in artistic and scientific projects. He is developing new methods of conversational programming and network music such as JITLib and improvises in the live coding ensembles powerbooks unplugged and drb. For the documentary films Alles was wir haben(Everything that we have) and Oral History (Kamensky, 2004 and 2009) he implemented atmos.  In 2009 the University of Music Duesseldorf appointed him as professor of Music Informatics at the Institute For Music And Media, where he teaches Music Informatics and Media Theory and also form and formalism and epistemologie and existence in the new Masters Degree Klang und Realität.
Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf Fischerstraße 110, 40476 Düsseldorf
Fon: +49.211.49 18 -0